Assigning Workflows to Tables

After creating a folder, adding a workflow to the folder, and configuring the workflow, you can assign the workflow to tables in the Metadata Manager.

You should take a note of the following things:

  • Ensure that you specified the module as Metadata Manager and the object as Table while adding the workflow to the folder.
  • The default workflow, Metadata_Manager_Default_Workflow_1 is assigned to all the tables. Hence, you need to override the existing default workflow.

To re-assign workflows to Tables in the Metadata Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Miscellaneous > Workflow Manager.
  2. Select the desired folder.
  3. All the workflows in the folder appear.

  4. Hover over the desired workflow.
  5. Click .
  6. The following page appears.

  7. Click New Assignment.
  8. The Assign To page appears.

  9. In Assign To field, click .
  10. The Assign Object page appears.

  11. Click the Environment containing the desired table.
  12. Click Select.
  13. A warning message appears giving you an option to override the existing workflow.

  14. Click Yes to override the existing workflow.
  15. The Workflow Re-Assignment page appears displaying the Current Object Status.

  16. Select the appropriate Fallback/New Status.
  17. The options for Fallback/New Status depends on the stages defined in the workflow.

  18. Click Next.
  19. The Comments page appears.

  20. Enter relevant comments, and click .
  21. The Assign To page re-appears with Assign To field filled.

  22. Select the Status Title from which the workflow starts.
  23. A Status Title is assigned to a stage while creating the stage.

  24. Select the appropriate Roles.
  25. Select the Send Email check box to receive email notification.
  26. Click Save.

The workflow is assigned to all the tables in the selected environment.

Once a workflow is assigned successfully to the tables in the selected environment, users who are part of the assigned roles will get work queue notifications. For more information on the workflow execution via workflow queue notifications, refer to the Executing Workflow for Tables via Workflow Queue topic.